
Brush Hollow Reservoir Gate closed

 To all shareholders: Unfortunately we had to shut the gate that provides water to the lower canal as the reservoir level was at our lowest we could go for irrigation water. The reservoir has only water that will provide enough domestic water that we have contracted to provide and Penrose Water District Storage water. Beaver Creek is running only at 6 c.f.s. and without any rain we had discontinue irrigations from the lower canal. However, after all first irrigations on the East side are completed, water will be transferred down to provide second irrigations. This will be a slow process with the low level in the upper canal. We will schedule and continue irrigations as best as possible. Should a weather event change the levels in the creek, we will increase irrigations. For those shareholders who have pump permits, no pumping will be permitted. Any water in the lower canal is not available for pumping. We were hopeful that mother nature would provide us with continued rain but that has not been so. Please be patient and pray for moisture soon.