June started out promising as we had received snow and rain in the later part of May, however it wasn’t to be. Rain had been predicted on several occasions that provided us with some moisture. According to the AG Met sensor in Penrose it has recorded a total of .69/inch of moisture for the month. Many took the opportunity to cut and bail their hay on their fields prior to the rain. Many fields have yet to be cut due to the predictions of weather or equipment issues.
The drought is still plaguing us with a classification of
moderate in our area. The creek level has slowly crept down to 5-6 c.f.s. which
only provided us with some irrigation water from the upper canal, water supply
to Penrose Water District’s ponds and only a trickle to the Reservoir.
Irrigation water from the Reservoir was depleted, and the gate was closed on
June 21st to preserve the water we have contracted for domestic use
and fish pool. The majority of shareholders that paid their assessments
received their first irrigations and we are finalizing the balance of those on
the east side of Penrose. We had started to schedule second irrigations, but
with the current creek level, this was suspended. Until the creek levels rise,
and completing first irrigations, second irrigations will be scheduled by
transferring water down from the upper canal. Only 3-4 heads of water will be
available to support this effort, so the process will be slow. We are hoping
for the rains we experienced last year in July to provide an increase in the
creek levels and provide more water for irrigations. It is all about what
Mother Nature provides. Please, pray for rain and it never hurts to
carry an umbrella…