
Recap of 2024

 Typically, we do a re-cap of the year, however this year there are three months missing due to my absence.

January – Weather was cold but only received a small amount of precipitation for the month. We discovered that our new automated gate at the diversion was not working properly and Rubicon replaced it with a larger motor. Gate is working as required. Annual shareholder packets were sent out to all shareholders regarding the scheduled Annual Shareholders Meeting to be held in February. Jack Tyler retired from the Board of Directors after 20 years of service.

February – Weather was either Spring like or very much like Winter. We did receive approximately 2 inches of Snow for the month. Annual Meeting was a success with 66% of all shareholders represented either in person or proxy. A new Board member was voted in; Butch Faoro will replace Jack Tyler’s position on the Board. Brush Hollow measured 84 feet and we were receiving about 7 c.f.s. into the system.

March – Winter returned to our area providing 3-4 inches of moisture with 6-10 inches of snow.  The staff and superintendent were either repairing the 42- inch line or cleaning the canals, cutting saplings and trees along the canals. We hired a few temporary individuals to assist in this process. They all did a great job in getting the canals prepared for irrigation season.

April – Irrigations began on the 16th using the water from the upper canal as Brush Hollow is full. We had 78 c.f.s. coming down the creek into our system. Connie our superintendent was delivering water on the West Side as we were short one ditch rider. Assessments were due April 1st with many shareholders paying their assessments on time.

May – Temperatures brought us back to the 70’s and 80’s. 1st irrigations were almost completed with the exception of those who were waiting to plant. Snow melt was providing us with more water than we could take into our system. A new ditch rider was hired and began work on the West Side.

June – Temperatures were warmer than usual, well into the 90’s. We were fortunate to receive 2 inches of rain for the month. Irrigations were going well. We did experience a blockage on a line on the West side that had been previously repaired. It revealed that the problem was actually on another property. Another line on the West side also needed replaced, that caused a delay in irrigations but was resolved.

July-August – no report

September – Weather was dry most of the month and the creek was running low. Irrigations are continuing throughout the system.

October – no report

November – Winter returned with a significant snow storm with 6-8 inches of snow. Irrigations continued through the middle of the month.

December – Most of the month temperatures ran in the 50’s with little precipitation. Preparations are being made for the Shareholders Annual Meeting documents. All the information will be mailed to every individual shareholder’s mailing addresses. These packets will be sent in late 

 January. Meeting is scheduled for February 22, 2025. Hoping all had a wonderful Christmas and will have a Happy New Year.