August has been primarily a hot (temperatures in the 90’s)
and dry month with precipitation at 1.04 of an inch per the AG met sensor for
the month of August. Weather forecast for the end of August is calling for
possible rain, which did not amount to much for our area.
Andy McMinn the ditch rider for the West Side decided to
retire prior to the end of irrigation season. Connie our Superintendent will be
completing the irrigations on the West side until the end of the irrigation
season. Connie’s contact number is 719-371-4312. Connie has forwarded Andy’s
phone to hers in order not to miss any calls.
Megan Green our ditch rider for the East Side is now making
deliveries on her own. Please be supportive and assist her in anyway you can.
Success is made possible when we all work together. Megan’s contact number is
Skaguay shut the gate without prior notice proving us with less
than 8 c.f.s coming to us down the creek. This is less than half of what we had
been receiving all summer. Adjustments were made at the diversion as the upper
canal dropped significantly. All transfers from the upper canal were
discontinued and Brush Hollow was opened more to distribute the irrigations
from the lower canal. Due to the lack of precipitation, we have not been in
priority to store water for the past couple of weeks.
The last part of August a significant amount of rain fell
north of us impacting the creek levels for a short period of time. Connie
immediately instructed all ditch riders to start more irrigations to utilize
the increase. The increased flow only lasted a few days but we were able to
capture and use as much as possible before the creek flow went back down to 11 c.f.s.
Deliveries of irrigations are continuing as scheduled; most
shareholders should be receiving a third irrigation at this time. Should you
feel that you have been over looked, please contact you ditch rider. As a
reminder, if you have not paid your assessments for the year, you are not
entitled to receive irrigation water. Notices are sent out monthly.