
February 2022 Update


February finally provided our community with SNOW! We are thankful that a couple of storms came our way. As of 2/23 the total precipitation amount was only at .22 of an inch of moisture, however with the lower temperatures of single digits; the moisture from our most recent snow storm has yet to be determined. The total for the month only recorded .40 of inch of precipitation. We really need more!

Our Superintendent, Connie has been ordering pipe, scheduling labor, cement trucks and purchasing materials for framing the lining to be poured on the K Street project. Weather has been a major consideration for starting this project and the actual start date has not been determined. We must be completed prior to irrigation beginning in April. The staff has been mowing when they can and cleaning the canal as they go. This also must be done prior to irrigation season.

The annual shareholders meeting held Saturday 2/26/22 was held at the Penrose Elementary School Gymnasium with 68% of the shares represented. The minutes from 2021 were accepted, the 2022 budget was approved. We did have an unusual situation regarding the Board of Director positions as we had two shareholders announce their desire to be considered running for the positions as they walked in the door at the meeting. Our by-laws do permit for nominations to be made from the floor prior to the voting process. The ballots had only two shareholders running for re-election on the documents (as these ballots must be prepared in advance of the meeting). This did raise some concerns; however, the ballots also provide for write in candidates and it was determined that the voting process could continue as required. Unfortunately; we had several shareholders that opted to place their ballots in the voting boxes prior to the voting process. The ballots were tallied and it was declared that Tim Hall and Charlie Newlon retained their Board of Director seats. The ballots were verified on Monday the 28th with the following results: Tim Hall – 879 Shares, James Sheridan – 316 Shares, Charlie Newlon – 1052 Shares, and Katherine Troutman – 156 Shares.  Julie Falletta-Dinkle our investment representative with Edward Jones proposed to the Shareholders that if the investments were to be modified to long term diversified conservative investments such as stocks and bonds with a re-balance protection to reduce the risk factor, we could earn more interest than the current 1%. A motion was made to accept the proposal with a majority approving the proposal. Edward Jones did not provide written documentation for review as many shareholders had questions and concerns. It was determined that the proposal change will not go into effect until the documents could be reviewed by the shareholders and any concerns or questions resolved prior to making the changes. Any discussions should be addressed at the monthly Board of Directors meeting to be held March 8th at the 209 Broadway office at 7:30 pm.

Invoices for the 2022 assessments will be mailed out the week of March 7th and are due 4/1/2022.

As always pray for snow or rain !!!!