January’s temperatures were surprisingly both cold and
warm with high’s recorded as high as 67 and lows down to -4 as a night time
recorded temperature. We had a couple of snow storms come through our area that
only provided us with .04 of measurable moisture. Not what we had expected or
Staff has been working on the delivery areas in need of
repairs with a large repair coming up soon at the K street canal. A tarp had
been placed in the canal several years ago, however over time we have
experienced water loss due to erosion in the canal cement lining and tree roots
have broken up the canal under the tarp. The tarp has been removed and a plan
is being put into place for removal of old cement lining, possible pipe in one
area and new cement lining that will cover an area of approximately 260 feet of
the canal. Other areas in the system are on the list to be replaced or repaired
prior to irrigation season starting.
The office staff has been working on the up-coming
Shareholders Annual meeting to take place on February 26th at the
Penrose Elementary School Gymnasium. The announcement documents have been
mailed to each shareholder the last week of January. Should you not receive
your packet by the middle of February, please contact the office at 372-3664 and
a new packet will be prepared for you.
Please mark your calendars for this Annual Shareholders
meeting, as it is very important that we have a quorum in order to proceed with
a meeting. If you are unable to attend, either find a shareholder to represent
your shares or sign your proxy votes to the proxy committee (Board of
Directors) for your shares to be represented. Should we not be able to meet the
requirement of a quorum (one half + one) of all the 3529 shares, those who did
not sign a proxy or attend in person will be charged $5.00 per share. We can
not have a business meeting without a quorum. Please make sure you are
As always please pray for snow!