
October 2021 Update

 The month of October continued to be dry much like the previous two months. However, the ditch riders have almost completed distributing third irrigations throughout the entire system. The second   week of November should complete the irrigations. The beginning of the year this task seemed impossible to achieve. Irrigations started slow and steady and the rains received in July made it possible to continue to complete second irrigations. Skaguay continued to receive inflows that allowed more water to be released down the creek that provided enough water to irrigate the third round. We are very thankful.

As irrigation season officially ends November 15th, this is the time for the ditch riders to repair or replace gates, valves, fix boxes, and replace broken lines.  The Superintendent has compiled a priority list of repairs that will take place this fall. If you are aware of a gate, box or valve that is need of repair or replacement, please call Connie at 371-4312. Many repairs simply can not be made while water is running, that is why the known repairs are completed in the fall, winter (weather permitting) and early spring.

As we head into the holiday season, we also are finalizing information for the upcoming Annual Shareholders meeting scheduled for February 26th, 2022. It is our plan at this time to have our meeting at the Penrose Elementary School Gymnasium as in the past.  We have applied for the lease on the room for this date and are hopeful to be able to resume our normal meeting process. Mailings will go out the first of February, however it is very important that we have your current mailing addresses on file. If you have a change, please contact the office as soon as possible. The documents that are being sent, are very important and require your response.

Please be aware that several shareholders that are two years delinquent in paying their assessments will be receiving a letter regarding the urgency to pay the balance of the owed assessments or be in jeopardy of their stock shares being auctioned at the Annual Meeting.

Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.