November has been a repeat of the past 3 months. Warmer temperatures with little to no precipitation for our area. The Great news for the month is that the ditch riders delivered a total of 3 irrigations this season. It was not an easy task as irrigations started out slow and with limited water available, however it did turn around in July and the first part of August with the rain received in the Skaguay region. The Superintendent wishes to thank all the shareholders for their patience during the low water availability time. Ultimately due to the rain in late July; 2021 irrigation season was a success!
The staff is currently making lists of gates, boxes, lines
and canals that will be either repaired or replaced this fall. Should you be
aware of repair that needs attention or a concern, please contact Connie at
719-371-4312. She will inspect and evaluate what can be done. Our newest Ditch
Rider, Dave has modified the mower deck to operate on the skid steer. This will
allow mowing to operate at a faster pace in areas where the canal is open. For
other areas where the canal can not be reached; we can attach the mower to the
mini-ex and reach across the canal as we have done in the past.
The Holiday season is officially upon us. This is a good
time to reflect back this past year and be thankful for what we have and the
community we live in.
Please mark your calendars for the Annual Shareholder’s
meeting that is scheduled as normal to meet at the Penrose Elementary Gym on
February 26th 2022. Notifications will be sent to you the end of
January. Should you not receive a packet by the middle of February, please
contact the office at 719-371-3664.
Pray for Snow