
August 2021 Update


The month of August was very hot and dry. However due to the late July rains up North near Skaguay, we benefited from some unbelievable amounts of water in the creek.  For several days, the creek was running at 80 c.f.s. however we were only able to capture 50 c.f.s. into our system. This significant increase allowed for all the ditch riders to increase the number of deliveries for 2nd irrigations. Throughout the system, only a few shareholders have not been delivered second irrigations. Some lines that were completed with 2nd irrigations, 3rd irrigations were started as we had to use the water and not store it as we were not in priority to do so. The weather patterns changed to hot and dry across most of Colorado and the creek levels steadily went down. On August 26th, the creek decreased down to 16.9 c.f.s. With this decrease the primary goal is to complete 2nd irrigations and continue 3rds reduced down to a few shareholders at a time.

With only .26 in. of precipitation recorded in Penrose for the month (first 3 days of August) as reported by the AG met sensor in Penrose. The drought monitor is slowly changing to abnormally dry and moderate dry areas back on the east side of the state. The good news is that the Western Slope is starting to slowly recover from Exceptional drought conditions.

Our Superintendent has been interviewing for the vacated ditch rider position. Connie is anxious to get back to a full staff, as she has been covering the ditch riding duties on the West Side along with her assigned lines and Superintendent responsibilities. Just a heads up for the East side shareholders, Andy your current ditch rider has requested to transfer to the West Side when we hire the new ditch rider. The actual change will not happen until next irrigation season, as Andy will begin to train the new ditch rider for the East Side deliveries for the balance of this year.

Notice to Shareholders that have not paid assessments for two years. If assessments are not caught up, you will be in jeopardy of receiving a notice to either pay delinquent assessments in full or have shares auctioned at the next Annual Shareholders meeting.  Courtesy letters have been sent to those shareholders that are two years delinquent.

As always, pray for rain!