
Water Leases and Pump Permits

Water Leases (form below)
Completed Water Leases must be submitted and approved by the Superintendent before April 1 and are authorized for the current water year. Because of the dynamics of Beaver Park Water’s distribution system, lines 2, 6A, 6B, 9 and the Upper Ditch are restricted from leases or transfers which come from a different line. Leases or transfers to these restricted lines must come from the same line. Shareholders who own shares in more than one location may transfer within the same guidelines and for full year increments.

The office maintains a list of shareholders who have shares to lease or sell as well as those who want to lease or buy shares. Names and numbers are posted outside on the office window.

(Click on Lease Form to open and print)

Pump Permits (form below)
Pump Permits must be submitted and authorized by the Supervisor by April 1 and are authorized for the current water year.
You must be a BPWI Shareholder whose shares draw from the Upper or Lower Ditch. The pump will count as water for ONE share. IE: If you own 5 shares, 4 will be irrigated and one pumped. Pumping is done on alternate days - Monday through Saturday - according the color tag on your Pump

Blue Tag -Tue, Thur, Sat
Green Tag -Mon, Wed, Fri
Red Tag-Unauthorized Pump contact the office
No pumping is authorized on Sunday
(click on forms below to open and print)