
Contact Us

Beaver Park Water, Inc
PO Box 286
209 Broadway
Penrose, CO 81240

Phone: 719-372-3664 
Email: ddaniels@beaverparkwater.net

Office Hours: 7:30 am-12:00   1:00-4:00 pm Monday-Friday

*We regret that it is sometimes necessary for the office to be closed during normal working hours. There is a mail drop in the office door if you need to drop off payments.

Superintendent, Connie Johnson 719-371-4312

Ditchrider,  Jonie Grisenti 719-371-4313

Ditchrider,  Megan Green  719-280-7816


Board of Directors
Sonny Daniels-President
Jack Tyler-Vice President
Tim Hall-Member
Charlie Newlon-Member
Bart Adams - Secretary/Treasurer
