June gave us Rain, Rain, Rain and then some more rain. Depending on where you are located in Penrose the total amounts varied from 7 to 9 recorded inches in various water gauges around the area to the AG Met sensor that only recorded 2.89 inches. Regardless of how much it was, we haven’t experienced this much rain in many years. During a couple of the extreme rain events, we did experience flooding on the lower canal as Bear Creek was running so high as it came into Penrose the water dumped into our lower canal and increased the level of water to cause it to overflow in several areas. All the staff and others immediately went out into the rain to shut down any transfers from the upper canal and open lines to take the water out. In anticipation of a repeat performance when the next heavy rain was expected, the Reservoir was shut down. This was primarily due to the dozens of calls received from the previous rain event and the increase of water at the Diversion. Since then, all irrigations have been delivered from transfers off of the upper canal. Beaver Creek ran over 100 c.f.s since the middle of May and reached 240 c.f.s the middle of June. We not only captured enough water to actually fill Brush Hollow Reservoir for the first time in many years, we continued to distribute irrigation water. Many shareholders experienced a new problem with irrigating, the ground was saturated from the rain therefore it wasn’t long before the tail water began to flow down the road. Truly amazing to see all the hay fields so green and standing tall.
Not only was Penrose the recipient of this beautiful late Spring rain, but the entire Arkansas Valley Region went from a moderate drought to no drought at this time. Pikes Peak received several feet of snow during the past few weeks. Seeing snow on the Peak in June makes for a beautiful sight. One question still to ponder, are we going to have the annual July monsoons this year? We will need to wait and see.
As a reminder Megan Green is the East Sides new ditch rider. Her phone number is 719-280-7816. Connie our Superintendent is still in recovery mode with her shoulder. She is back at work but has very limited use of her right arm. She has been working closely with Megan as Megan learns the East Side deliveries.
Please note, rain dancers are on a break while everyone cuts and bales hay. Please pray for rain after the last bale of hay is off the field.