
Colorado Statutes-Tailwater

Fremont County Commissioner Larry Lasha and County Road representatives Gary Weirton and Tony Adamic attended the July 13th Board Meeting to address the problem of irrigation tailwater on the roads of Penrose.

After handing out a list of the Colorado State Statutes which address these problems, they answered questions from the board and audience.

Q. What does the county consider "the road"?
A. Barring some exceptions, the county road easement is 24ft total or 12ft both sides of the centerline. The ditchs on both sides of the road are included as structural parts of the road.

Q. Who is responsible for cleaning driveway culverts?
A. The homeowner is responsible for cleaning driveway culverts and 10 ft of ditch on both sides of the culvert. The county is responsible for any culverts which cross under the roads.

Q. What is the procedure for "tailwater in the barrow ditch".
A. When the county sees tailwater in the ditch, they call the superintendent who then calls the ditchrider to notify the shareholder. The shareholder is then given a chance to move the water so that it is not impacting the barrow ditch. As per the Beaver Park Water Bylaws and Rules of Irrigation, if the shareholder doesn't correct the problem, their irrigation for that rotation is ended.

Statutes (click on image to enlarge)