
Annual Meeting 2010


Notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of Beaver Park Water, Inc. will be held at the Penrose School Gymnasium at 1:00 PM, Saturday, February 20, 2010 for the purpose of electing two Board Members, to adopt the 2010 Budget, sell delinquent shares and to transact such other business as may properly come before the said meeting.

Shareholders who cannot be present in person at said meeting are requested to execute the enclosed proxy and mail to the Secretary of the Company, or some other shareholder of the Company, to be voted at the meeting, in order that there may be the requisite amount of shares represented to constitute a legal quorum for the transaction of business.

In the absence of a quorum, a fine on assessments of $5.00 per share for those whose shares are not represented at the Annual Meeting (either in person or by proxy) will be assessed.

There will be two seats open on the Board of Directors (Butch Miller and Richard Shea) with a three (3) year term. We will take nominations at the office or from the floor at the Annual Meeting.

In the event irrigation is available, to serve all the shareholders in a timely manner and to maximize water usage, the following procedures are being implemented for the 2010 irrigation season. No early water will be available unless the superintendent approves. Beaver Park Water, Inc. will start running water approximately April 1, 2010 weather and other conditions permitting:

1st irrigation will be April 1 to June 2 (Weather and conditions permitting)
2nd irrigation will be June 3 to August 4
3rd irrigation will start August 4

If assessments are not paid current, (1st payment is due April 1 and 2nd payment due August 1) you will miss that irrigation.

2010 Irrigation- CHANGE IN ROTATIONS-We will start the water where we finished last season. If the line can handle more than one head of water, another head will be started in the middle with an equal amount of shares for each starting point. The water will then be move down each line to the next delivery point.

The Ditchriders shall contact all shareholders at each delivery point to schedule water. Should you refuse the water when asked, no promises can be made to return it to you on the particular date you might want it. When the water reaches the bottom of the line any shareholders who refused the water will be rescheduled. Two refusals will result in injury to other shareholders. Therefore, two refusals will result in a loss of irrigation for that rotation. If you believe water was at your delivery point and you
were not contacted, please call the Superintendent as soon as possible. If you haven’t been contacted by mid-May for water, please notify the office.

Second and Third Irrigation (if possible): If the water reaches the end of rotation of the line and the shareholders of that line have not cut their hay or are not ready for water, the water will be delivered to the shareholders that have cut regard-less of the rotation order. When the shareholders at the top are ready the rotation will start over again. This is to insure that we don’t take the water out of any line so we can get through the rotation faster. PLEASE NOTIFY THE OFFICE WHEN YOUR HAY IS OUT OF THE FIELD. We will allow only three to five working days to get bales out of fields then we will turn water on to neighboring shareholders to eliminate damage or harm to those shareholders.

BEAVER PARK WATER WILL NOT ACCEPT REQUESTS FOR WEEKEND WATER. When scheduling water at each delivery point, the Ditchriders might be able to give you water on the weekend. If not, the shareholder must find someone to take care of their water or refuse to take the water. Please be ready for water at the beginning of the season.

Time of irrigation is determined by the amount of shares each shareholder owns or leases – approximately 7 hours and 20 minutes per share. These 7 hours and 20 minutes must run consecutively based on 24 hours per day. There will be no extra time given to any shareholder unless authorized by the Superintendent. When shareholder’s water goes off or below 3” at an 18” weir, the Ditchrider or Superintendent must verify before extra time will be allocated. Section 9, Beaver Park Water, Inc. Rules and Regulations: “No complaint will be considered unless the same is made within 24 hours of the time cause for complaint arises.”

The average rotation will take fifty days to complete. Whenever the water supply from Beaver Creek is reduced, the rotation period is accordingly increased, even when using the stored water out of Brush Hollow.

Pump Permits must be submitted and authorized by the Supervisor before March 15 every year. Pump Permits are available at the BPW office, from your ditchrider and on-line at beaverparkwater.com. Upon approval, a colored tag will be provided by Beaver Park Water and must be attached to your pump. Green Tags are authorized to pump Monday, Wednesday and Friday, Blue Tags are authorized to pump Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. No pumping is authorized on Sunday. If a red tag is attached to your pump, you are operating an unauthorized pump and you should contact the office immediately. All pumps in the ditch without a tag will be confiscated by Beaver Park Water. Pumping is a privilege not a right.

Share Leases- Completed Leases must be submitted and approved by the Supervisor before March 15 and are authorized for the current water year only. Water Lease forms are available at the BPW office, from your ditchrider and at beaverparkwater.com. Because of the dynamics of the distribution system, Lines 2, 6A, 6B, 9 and Upper Ditch are restricted from leases which come from a different line. Shareholders who own shares in more than one location may transfer within the same guidelines and for full year increments.

Please plan to attend the meeting. If you absolutely cannot attend the Annual Meeting Saturday, February 20, 2010, 1:00 PM at the Penrose School Gymnasium, you can sign your proxy form and mail or drop it off at the office at 209 Broadway, Penrose, CO 81240.

Tom Sanders

*Due to postage costs no income statements or balance sheets will be mailed. Copies can be obtained from the office.