
November 2022


November began with our temperatures in the low 70s and by the end of the month we had temperatures dipping down in the negative figures. Unfortunately, we received less than .25 inch of moisture for the entire month according to the AG Met sensor.

Irrigations continued through Friday the 11th as Skaguay had shut their gate the week prior down to approximately 4.5 c.f.s. The official end of irrigation season ends 15th however with so little water; it wasn’t very beneficial to continue to run one head so late in the year.

The staff now will concentrate on repairs for next year when the weather allows. As a reminder to all shareholders, if you should have a concern or know of a repair that needs attention, please contact Connie so she can add this to her list.

As Thanksgiving is over; we are all heading into the holiday season with family gatherings, parties, shopping, baking and many other celebrated occasions.

Beaver Park Water wishes everyone a