January provided us a small amount precipitation in the form
of snow but the biggest weather news was the artic blast we received. We
experience below zero temperatures for five consecutive days from the 12th
to the 16th when the morning temperatures were -10.7. Most of the
daytime temperatures during the month consisted of 30’s-50’s.
Skaguay has been releasing 5.6 c.f.s. down the creek, other
than the water plant usage all the water is going directly to Brush Hollow. Our
automated diversion gate had an issue when the remote was used to open the
gate. After some research, it was discovered that the motor was too small.
Rubicon has since replaced the motor with the correct larger motor and it
appears that the gate is working just as expected.
Our shareholder annual meeting is scheduled for Saturday,
February 24, 2024. Meeting will be held at the Penrose Elementary School
Gymnasium at 1:00 pm. Notices for the meeting have been sent to all
shareholders on 1/24/24. If you do not receive your notice by 2/15/24, please
come to the office and we can supply you with printed material you will need. The
most important part of the notice is the Voting Proxy. This document represents
your shares and must be returned to Beaver Park Water either at the meeting or
if you cannot attend the meeting; you must either sign your shares to be
represented to the Proxy Committee and bring to Beaver Park Water office or
assign to another shareholder that will attend the meeting and they can
represent your shares. If we do not have 50% + 1 of the shares represented we
can not have a meeting. We have a total of 3529 shares, we need 1765 shares
represented in person or by proxy. Last
year we had 70% of shares represented. We would like to see this number
Butch Faoro is running as a candidate for the one Board of
Director position open as Jack Tyler is retiring from the Board after providing
Beaver Park Water Inc. with 20 years of service.
Pray for snow – Definitely dress in layers, coats, gloves,
hats are a must and carry snow boots in your vehicle.